August 30, 2008
August 29, 2008
DNC Thursday - Obama Speaks
I didn't leave the house on Thursday. I was telecommuting.
Obama didn't start speaking until I was falling asleep.
But I read his remarks the next morning.
Posted at
7:49 AM
August 27, 2008
Wednesday - Bicycle Parade
I encountered a bicycle parade at the corner of Colfax and Colorado at dusk. 150 to 200 people on bikes. I saw them again at 16th and Williams - they must have doubled back. I paused at the four-way-stop to watch them go by, including one dude on a skateboard incognito behind a bandanna mask. But the entire parade stopped at the stop sign to let me go through. Sweeeeeet!
For a moment I was back in Amsterdam at rush hour.
Posted at
10:45 PM
August 26, 2008
Tuesday Doldrums
Tuesday. Nothing moving on my side of town except one ambulance flashing towards downtown. A guy waiting for a bus. A very old Saab. Emergency equipment idling in City Park. A convertible Miata with California plates cruising Highway 36.
At a well known protester-gathering place at the corner of Broadway and Canyon in Boulder I saw a well-dressed young woman carrying a pink sign. I slowed down to read "Homeless: anything helps."
Posted at
11:05 PM
August 25, 2008
Democratic National Convention - Monday
Not much to see today. If you want photos from DNC ground zero, you can find them here.
My Hband saw protesters on his way to work, shuffling towards downtown, none of whom carrying anything particularly nefarious-looking. I saw elderly gents fly-fishing on the lake in Washington Park, Denver's skyscrapers jutting along the horizon. Signs along Josephine street announced something-of-the-whatever-thing or miscellaneous warning or notification. Not safe to read and drive at the same time.
I painted some shelves in the alley behind my MIL's house and was visited by a bee while MIL told me of her plans to attend a Wednesday event and eat continental breakfast with an as-yet-unknown speaker.
All of these seemingly unrelated and quotidian incidents could be inscrutable inklings of weighty things to come. Especially that bit about the bee. Sometimes I can't do better than simply linking to someone else's blog entry to express my point - check out this bee entry in the Hunky Gardener's blog.
Posted at
2:38 PM
August 24, 2008
Democratic Convention - the Swelling of the Tide
We drove past downtown Denver this morning, the Sunday prior to the Democratic National Convention. It was quiet. So far the signs include only these: cleaner streets and two parking tickets in as many days for yours truly. Ugh! The first was for leaving my car in front of my house on the dreaded street sweeping day. (You know, those days when 'they' often don't actually sweep the streets but are nevertheless conscientious about handing out tickets.) The second was for parking overtime at a meter. I was in arbitration at the JAG (Judicial Arbiter's Group) and had to run out to plug the meter every two hours. Not wanting to miss the juicy bits, I took a chance! My favorite hot dog vendor at the corner of Blake and Seventeenth Streets told me I'd missed it by mere moments. Oh, well. Win some, lose some. There's sure to be more momentous DNC news later . . .
Posted at
1:02 PM
August 16, 2008
Cool Site
This is a nifty site -
It pairs feelings with images. You can upload your own images/feeling combo, or you can enter a feeling and see images that others have uploaded for that feeling.
Posted at
2:04 AM
August 9, 2008
This Was a Fabulous Day
Trying on hats at Allyn's, an amazing fabric store/milliner's on 6th Avenue in Denver.
It was just a few days before the wedding, and I without a clue what to do with my hair. The piratical bride would have been . . . well . . . memorable. (But I went with curls and a headband.)
Posted at
1:17 PM
August 7, 2008
Taking a Hatchet to the Wedding Cakes
I just returned from "Howling Mountain Mama's" night out. (A monthly meeting of mamas away from the men and babies, dining, drinking, talking, laughing . . . you get the picture.) This was the inaugural month. We went to the Melting Pot.
Hatchet reminded me she helped cut our wedding cake! How fitting! Of course Hatchet, you deserve a great big thank you for that, and more thank yous for everything else you did for us that day, and I apologize for leaving your cake cutting off my big list of people to be thanked. Thank you, Hatchet!
Posted at
11:04 PM
August 6, 2008
The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword
Amendment 46 seeks to end Affirmative Action in Colorado.
Several well-meaning citizens signed a petition to put the amendment on this November's ballot after intrepid petitioners told them the amendment would "end discrimination." After finding out the amendment is actually designed to end Affirmative Action, the same citizens complained to the Secretary of State. They were told "too late, you should have read what you were signing."
To illustrate this tragic tale I offer a delightful little confection from YouTube: "End Women's Suffrage."
Moral of the story? Never sign anything you don't understand.
Posted at
6:07 PM